- Application for Full Membership
Full Membership of the L.L.A.I.A for a season allows the angler to fish any of the Associations water.
Permits can be applied for by writing to :Please enclose 2 passport style photographs with your application. Cheques should be made payable to :
The Secretary
PO BOX 3559
G71 7SJ
Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association
Current prices are displayed on the permits page.Back to Top
- Season, Weekly and Day Tickets
Season, Weekly and day tickets for River Leven, Clyde Estuary and the Gareloch are available.
Day and weekly tickets are also available for Loch Lomond from the following sources :
- Tackle Shops
Cafaro Bros. 140 Renfield Street, Glasgow Country Sports, Paisley Glasgow Angling Centre, Claythorn St. Glasgow Hooked in Scotland, 49 Main St. Cambuslang, Glasgow Danny's Den, 2380 Dunbarton St. Glasgow Anglers Rendezvous. Saltmarket, Glasgow Messrs. A & I Gibson, 225 Bank Street, Alexandria Fish Finder, Clydebank PD Fishing Tackle, 69 Main Street, Cumbernauld Sportsman Emporium, 68 Cadzow St. Hamilton Tackle and Guns, 920 Pollockshaws Rd. Glasgow
- Hotels
Ardlui Hotel, Loch Lomond, by Arrochar, Dunbartonshire Balloch Hotel, Balloch, Dunbartonshire Rowardennan Hotel, Rowardennan, Loch Lomond Tarbet Hotel, Tarbet, Loch Lomond
- Miscellaneous
Balloch Tourist Info Centre, Balloch Rd. Balloch Inverbeg Holiday Park, Inverbeg, By Luss. Messrs. McFarlane & Sons, The Boatyard, Balmaha Tullichewan Caravan Park, Tullichewan, Loch Lomond
Current prices for these and other permits are displayed on the permits page.Back to Top
- Map
- The Angling Map of Loch Lomond is given free to all new members. This A1 size map splits the Loch into 17 parts and details how to fish the relevant banks, shores and islands in the Loch.
It has seperate advice for fly fishing and trolling where applicable as well as more general fishing advice on Salmon, Seatrout and Coarse fishing.
This is a must have resource for anyone wanting to fish the Loch and non-members can purchase a copy from the secretaries for only £5.30 for a folding map or £6.00 for a completely flat version, which is delivered in a tube. Price includes postage.
Copies are also available from the Glasgow Angling Centre.
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- Boat Hire
- Boat Hire is available at Balmaha Boatyard
Messrs. McFarlane & Sons, The Boatyard, Balmaha.
They can be visited at www.balmahaboatyard.co.uk
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- Accomodation
Accomodation in the Loch Lomond area can be found by visting
For accomodation in Scotland you can visit the Scottish Tourist Boards website at:
www.visitScotland.comBack to Top
- Links
For a great allround Loch Lomond information resource visit..
For Speycasting and fishing instruction in the Loch Lomond area visit...
To visit the website of Newton Stewart Angling Association...
Visit the home of the Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland at www.esoxecosse.com
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- Web Contacts
If you want to get in touch with the LochLomondAngling.com webmaster with ideas, comments or articles, then email here:
If you would like to submit a link for consideration about inclusion on this page, email:
To submit a photograph for consideration about inclusion on the Gallery page, email:
If you would like to get in touch with the Stock Improvement Working Group chairman, email:
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